Pruning: A gardening lessons for work

Pruning is one of the big tasks in January in California, but its now May and the first fruits of all the cutting back can be enjoyed. I have 72 roses in my garden and when I started I was very timid in pruning back at the end of the year – scared I would harm the plants. I have come to realize that its the opposite. When you don’t prune properly and you think you are being kind by not cutting the dead growth back then the plants do not grow. You do more harm. In January I cut all the roses back to about a foot high and thinned out the rose branches where they were crowded. This gives new growth space to grow. Maybe there are some lessons for our work. A thought indeed.

Here is what my roses look like in May. I hope you enjoy.

Trumpeter rose
Red hot Lava, Walking on sunshine and Mary rose
Prince Alexander of Kent

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